Serbian Rottweiler

Rottweiler is a popular breed all over the world. A yearly list of 196 purebred canines published by the American Kennel Club (AKC) placed the Rottweiler breed on eighth number. 

Rottweilers have generally been used for working and guarding purposes for a long time. They have a protective instinct and identify strangers easily.

Rottweilers have a long history. They have different breeds and types based on their origin, appearance, and other characteristics their types includes American, German, Roman Siberian, and even Tail Rottweiler.

Serbian Rottweiler are usually considered as a different breed of Rottweiler dogs. Their lineage can be traced back to Serbia where they were born and bred.

Serbian Rottweilers have a spectrum in their appearance. This occurs when a Serbian Rottweiler breeder blends them with German Rottweilers to get a certain desired appearance.

This article focuses on the Serbian Rottweiler. If you are interested in this unique breed of Rottweiler and how they are distinguished from other rottweiler breeds then this article is a good source to learn about them.


History of Serbian Rottweiler

Serbian Rottweiler is often considered a different Rottweiler dog breed with various and distinguished characteristics. For Purebred Serbian Rottweillers, the lineage can be traced back to Serbia where they were born and bred. 

In purebred dog breeding, there are often debates going on about breed standards. These debates can happen on both national and international levels. There is one specific area where the debate is a little intense that area is the appearance and temperament of specific dog breeds.

Serbian Rottweiler breeders often blend German Rottweiler with their dog bloodlines to get that particular desired appearance. That is why all Serbian rottweilers don’t look alike and they have a spectrum in their appearance.  

According to the German Rottweiler Club (ADRK), this type of Rottweiler is considered as a fault.

Knowing the pedigree of your dog is very important so you know what you are getting.

There are certain breed standards that are made to avoid random dog breeding which results in faulty appearance offspring.

Example of such organizations that dictates breed standards for different Rottweiler breeds are:

  • American Kennel Club (AKC) which dictates breed standards for American Rottweilers
  • While Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen (VDH e.V) dictates breed standards for German Rottweilers.


Setting these standards for various breeds helps in increasing the good qualities and reduces the bad qualities in coming offspring.

For Serbian Rottweilers, there are no set breed standards. They are bred randomly and without proper standards. 


What is a Serbian Rottweiler?

Serbian Rottweilers also known as Russian Rottweilers are those Rottweilers breeds that are born in Serbia or are of those Serbian descent.

American and German Rottweilers follow certain breed standards that are made by their countries.

However Serbian Rottweiler dogs have no standards developed for them and they are often considered defective according to AKC and ADRK standards.



Serbian Rottweilers have a typical blockhead with short snouts.

They have comparatively more wrinkles on their face than an American or German Rottie which gives them a fierce look.

Wrinkles are present on the cheeks, muzzle, forehead, and neck.



Since they are no breeding standards set for Serbian Rottweilers they are generally more aggressive.

Male Serbian Rottweilers bred habitually are more territorial with protective and fight instincts when they encounter other dogs.

Female Serbian Rottweilers are more patient and obedient. A Serbian Rottweiler puppy can overcome these temperamental problems with proper training and socializing skills.



Males are 24-27 inches tall

Females are 22-25 inches tall



Males weigh about 110 pounds sometimes reaching up to 150 pounds. 

Females weigh about 93 pounds.


What is the Difference Between American Rottweiler Vs German and Serbian Rottweiler?

Serbian Rottweilers have a larger body and head than both American Rottweiler and German Rottweilers.

Serbian Rottweilers have tails. Cutting their tail outside the USA is illegal. Serbian Rottweilers have that typical blockhead appearance. Serbian Rottweilers generally have a shorter snout.

Serbian Rottweilers have more wrinkles on their face than American or German Rotties which give them a more furious look.


What are the 5 Types of Rottweilers

The five types of Rottweilers include American Rottweilers, German Rottweilers, Roman Rottweilers, Tailed Rottweilers and Rare Rottweilers.


What Breed of Rottweiler is the Biggest?

Roman Rottweiler is the biggest breed of Rottweiler. They grow and attain the size of big giant dogs.

They have a particular physical presence they can either be large or oversized.

They have a life span of 10 to 12 years on average while females live up to 14 years. Female life span is a little more than their male average life span.

Males can grow up to 23 inches while others grow to a giant size of 30 inches. Females have a size between 24 inches to a giant of size 29 inches.

Male weighs around 95 to 130 pounds while female weighs around 85 to 110 pounds.


Common Health Issues in Serbian Rottweilers

Serbian Rottweilers may have health issues just like any other animal. Some may even have genetic problems which are transferred from their parents.

Due to having a short snout, Serbian Rottweilers can have breathing problems.


Respiratory issues

They experience a range of respiratory problems which include:

  • Canine Distemper Virus
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Kennel Cough
  • Pneumonia
  • Lung Tumors
  • Colds and Flu


Faults in gait

Unfortunately, Serbian Rottweilers are more prone to such health problems that cause abnormality in their gait because they are bred randomly.

Overweight and obesity are common, causing pain and discomfort while walking.

Common issues that cause problems in their gait are:

  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
  • Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture (CCL)


Genetic problems

Genetic problems usually arise when breeders blindly breed different dog varieties without previous history of their parent breed.

It is more common in Serbian Rottweilers because they are bred indiscriminately as they are no specific standards set for their breeding.

Common genetic diseases that may be found in them are:

  • Urinary Bladder Stones
  • Epilepsy
  • Heart Disease
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Brachycephalic Syndrome
  • Degenerative Myelopathy


Some health conditions can be avoided through reputable breeding whereby the breeder screens for these conditions.

To read up about more Rottweiler common health problems, click here.


Final Words on Serbian Rottweilers

Rottweilers have a long history. They have different breeds and types based on their origin, appearance, and other characteristics their types include American, German, Roman Siberian, and even Tail Rottweiler.

Serbian Rottweiler are usually considered as a different breed of Rottweiler dogs. Their lineage can be traced back to Serbia where they were born and bred.

If you’re interested in a Rottweiler with specific traits or qualities, it’s recommended to communicate your preferences and requirements to a reputable breeder who can guide you in selecting a suitable puppy from their breeding program.

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Serbian Rottweiler

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Serbian Rottweiler