Can Dogs Have Almonds?

We, as passionate dog parents, want to share our happiness and definitely food with our dogs. Without knowing the possible benefits and side effects, all we need is to feed them what we like the most. Have you ever wondered whether all human foods are suitable and safe for dogs?

The same is the case with almonds. Although almond is a great and healthy snack for human because of their appealing nutritional benefit, dog almonds relationship is odd and they react completely differently in dogs.

Can dogs eat almonds? The straightforward answer is No. If dogs eat almonds, no matter in what form, like almond butter, salted almonds, seasoned almonds, whole almonds, Chinese almonds, flavored almonds, or any salted almond products, they may be toxic to dogs. The same is the case with dairy products like almond milk including artificial sweeteners and other nut varieties like macadamia nuts.

Tighten your seat belts as we explore the possible outcomes and what to expect when your dog eats almonds.

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Are almonds good for dogs

Are Almonds Good for Dogs?

Broadly speaking, almonds (or almond milk) are not good for dogs because your pooch’s stomach is not able to digest them easily. However, just like some other nuts, almonds are not that much toxic to dogs, nor are they good enough to get a yes.

Can Dogs Eat Almonds?

There are a number of drawbacks that need to be considered when a dog eats almonds. From obstruction of the windpipe, esophagus, and intestines to inflammation of the pancreas, allergic reactions, and kidney issues, all come under the negative aspects of almond eating in dogs.

Let’s discuss one by one the possible risks and conditions imparted by feeding almonds to dogs.

Choking Hazard

Due to the hard texture and small size of almonds, there are potential risks of getting stuck in the windpipe or gastrointestinal tract. If dogs eat almonds, especially small dogs and those who don’t bother to chew them up properly, there would be greater chances of choking hazards.

Potential Gastrointestinal Upset

Almonds contain a high proportion of fats, just like other nuts, so they have the potential to upset your doggy stomach badly. If dogs eat almonds in large quantities rather than an occasional treat, they pose potential health problems related to a dog’s digestive system.

It includes:

  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Vomiting
  • Pancreatitis

Possible Water Retention

Humans like to snack on salted almonds. However, serving salted almonds to your dog poses a risk of salt toxicity. Too much salt causes water retention in a dog’s body, thus affecting kidneys which is a nightmare for dogs, especially those with heart issues.

The following symptoms will appear in such a dog:

  • Excess urination
  • Excess thirst
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures

Increased Risk of Pancreatitis

The high percentages of fat inside almonds are directly associated with causing pancreatitis in dogs. Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. If a dog consumes excessive almonds on a regular basis, the chances of pancreatitis increase for sure.

As a result of that, it leads to indigestion and upset stomachs, thus affecting the quality of life of your dog. These symptoms will help you diagnose the onset of pancreatitis in your dog.


  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy 

Risk of Bladder and Kidney Stones

Most dogs with complaints of bladder and kidney stones are prone to flare-up their conditions by eating almond or almond butter. The skin of almond contains fats and oxalates that contributes to forming calcium oxalates stones in the kidney and bladder of dogs. Therefore, feed such dogs with precautions and up to the mark to avoid kidney stones almonds.


Dogs can develop any type of allergic reaction to certain foods. Allergies from other allergens, like certain proteins in grains and meat, are different from that in the case of almonds. Special proteins are present in both skin and flesh of almonds that trigger allergies in smaller dogs.


  • Itching
  • Hives
  • swelling
  • GIT upset
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Anaphylaxis (a life-threatening reaction)

Aflatoxin Poisoning

Aflatoxin poisoning is closely associated with Aspergillus mold, and like other nuts, almonds are also prone to its attack. However, the risk of mold attack on almonds is quite low compared to other nuts like peanuts. If your dog happens to consume almonds prone to aspergillus, it will develop aflatoxin poisoning.


  • Jaundice
  • Liver failure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy

Your dog will be ok if he consumes a few almonds (like one or two almonds). However, eating almond whole in excess will be toxic to dogs and affects your dog’s health. Unlike humans, dogs are prone to develop sensitivities and allergies towards almonds (or almond milk) because of the special allergen proteins.

Make sure those are not bitter almonds otherwise it would be dangerous because of the hydrogen cyanide that leads to toxicity.

It would be best to contact a vet immediately for professional and useful advice to cope with the situation to ensure your dog’s health at best.

Can Almonds Cause Liver Damage in Dogs?

There is no direct effect of almonds on the liver of dogs. However, eating too many almonds can contribute to a number of health issues. Excessive fat in almonds ends up disturbing gastrointestinal tract activity and leads to gain weight.

Therefore, weight gain, along with pancreatitis, causes liver problems indirectly. So, we can say that almonds are involved in causing liver damage in dogs.

Can Dogs Have Almond Butter?

Just like almond milk and other almond products, almond butter is also unhealthy for dogs if taken in excess. Almond butter contains lots of fats that lead to developing gastrointestinal upset, allergies, and respiratory problems in dogs. If your dog has never had any type of almond product or other products like natural peanut butter, take proper caution before making any dietary change.

Some dogs eat almond butter and don’t show any immediate unusual changes before their busy lifestyle. Therefore, it all depends on the individual, and it will be best to consult your vet for your pooch’s needs.

Can Dogs Have Almond Milk?

Almond milk, including artificial sweeteners and other preservatives, is potentially toxic to your dog. Almond milk, just like almond butter, is not suitable for dogs with lactose intolerance. Furthermore, chances of nutritional imbalance and toxicity from additives like xylitol (toxic to dogs) are much more in dogs taking almond milk on a routine basis.

However, the provision of unsweetened almond milk once in a while is acceptable for dogs who are sturdy and without a history of allergies.

Final Words on Can Dogs Have Almonds

Serving almonds to dogs is not a healthy practice because of potential risks both physically and physiologically. The extra fats in almond milk or almond butter and seasoned or flavored salt almond products are strongly prohibited for dogs. Contact your emergency veterinarian in case of any health concerns about your dog.

You can read here on can dogs eat popcorn.

You can also find out more on can dogs eat mango.

Can Dogs Have Almonds

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Can Dogs Have Almonds?